Season 10 General Pool
Welcome to the rankings page for all fantasy teams submitted for Season 10.
If you need a refresher on how things work check out this page.
Or if you want to see the results for all of the runs this season, click here.
This is the general pool, meaning it contains all ANWFantasy teams created before May 30th, 2018. This page includes teams which were made after the first day of filming, Tuesday March 6th, 2018.
Teams Created before March 6th, 2018 were automatically entered into our $250 prize pool. That data is presented here.
Checking all entries for spelling errors is very difficult, and is something which will take some time, if you notice a scoring error please let me know at and I will try and correct it as soon as possible.
Or if you have any other questions about ANWFantasy contact me at
Thanks for playing!
Owner | Total Points | Team Name | Ninja 1 | Points | Ninja 2 | Points | Ninja 3 | Points | Ninja 4 | Points | Ninja 5 | Points |
Pit Walt | 205.5 | PiWa-Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Shane Lundeberg | 197.5 | Los Angeles Law | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Knapp | 28 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Ryan Gavigan | 196 | The Corn Dog 7 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Jesse Ratner | 195 | Ninja Legends | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Avi Berg | 195 | team BOB | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Emily Hawkes | 195 | Ninja Squad | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
John McCann | 195 | Midoriyama Masters | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
David Stinson | 195 | King David's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Spencer Lenadon | 194 | Speed Legends | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Joey Buralli | 194 | Power house | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Najee richardson | 39 | Sean bryan | 49.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Daniel gil | 37 |
John Smith | 194 | Other NGN Live team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Aubrey Nadler | 194 | Balacasi ANW 10 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Eric Luscher | 194 | Seth | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Eric Luscher | 194 | Seth | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
AdamLeo Schwarz | 194 | The Ninja Superstars | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Jake Shinkle | 194 | Course Crushers | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Billy Ten | 194 | Best Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Allyson Schwartz | 194 | My Ninja My Ninja | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | sean bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Quinn Dillon | 193 | Quinneas and Ferb | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Charles Blacknall II | 193 | The Pirate Ninjas | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Josh Levin | 38 |
john paul abela | 193 | Real Life Kingdom Papal Climbing Weathermen | drew drechsel | 44 | joe moravsky | 24.5 | josh levin | 38 | daniel gil | 37 | sean bryan | 49.5 |
Charlie Syski | 193 | Atomic Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Tyler Golden | 193 | Golden Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Jon Harris | 192 | 2 Old 2 Ninja | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Diveshwar Ramesh | 191.5 | Homo Sapiens | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean bryan | 49.5 | Josh levin | 38 | Jamie rahn | 38 | Ian dory | 22 |
Matt Wright | 191 | The Wright Stuff | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Jesse Ratner | 191 | Ninja Gamers | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Levin | 38 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Jesse Ratner | 191 | Ninja Crew | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Makil Hoilett | 190 | The Ninja Heroes | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Jonathon Volkmer | 190 | The Hotlist | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Lynn Hartsough | 190 | Couch Warrior | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Luis Santiago | 187.5 | Mountain Strength | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Miriam Hale | 187 | Race for Grace | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Rich Bastian | 187 | Big Meat Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Rich Bastian | 187 | Rich and Famous | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Chih Chiu | 187 | Chih | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Ashley McDonald | 186.5 | Sparkle Motion and the Funky Five | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Kaylyn Damron | 183.5 | MARVALous ninja | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Randy Newsome | 183.5 | Hardyston Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Don Hohmeier | 183.5 | Sha Na Na! | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Lindsay Eskikdsen | 183.5 | Lindsay?s Legit Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Cara Butler | 182.5 | Buckaroo Butlers | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Tyler Behrle | 182.5 | Ninjaz | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Abigail Damron | 182.5 | The Trekkie Ninja | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Cyndi Griffith | 182.5 | Ninja Crue | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Howie Rosenblatt | 182.5 | Team Action | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Brec Neckel | 182.5 | LiL pK's sav's | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Ben Hoffer | 182.5 | BenH?s ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Brian Simkins | 182.5 | Quicker Than Most Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Justine Englanoff | 182.5 | Yust some Ninjas | drew Drechsel | 44 | daniel gil | 37 | najee richardson | 39 | joe moravsky | 24.5 | jamie rahn | 38 |
Matthew Kaung | 182.5 | Team All Star | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Josh Berman | 182.5 | ravensnationftw | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Rudolph Lambchop | 181.5 | The Goujon Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Rudolph Lambchop | 181.5 | Goujon Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Sara Lariviere | 181.5 | Sara | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Noah hartsough | 181 | Ninja Coach Noahs League | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Phil Omo | 180.5 | Dorinere Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Mike Vasquez | 180.5 | KIAN Productions Pro Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Owen Pham | 180.5 | Phamily ninja owen | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Najee richardson | 39 | Adam rayl | 35 | Josh levin | 38 |
Noah B?ttner | 180.5 | The Professor's beasts | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Your Mom | 180.5 | Sasuke is better | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Tyler Berke | 180 | Legends | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | David Campbell | 24 |
William Marchese | 180 | Get That Money! | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Ken Hawkes | 180 | Six Buzzers | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Joshua Pritchard | 179.5 | Unstoppable Ninjaz | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Matt Laessig | 179.5 | Matt's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Alexa Landis | 179.5 | Alexa's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Josh Levin | 38 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
C Mccarty | 179.5 | Winnerz | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Rob Oliveri | 179.5 | Ninja Ninj | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Bobby Gillis | 179.5 | Bobby's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Ellis Park | 179.5 | Flying Saucers | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Martin Becker | 179.5 | Team Overdrive | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Aidan Banfield | 179 | Shinobi | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Anthony Thornhill | 178.5 | Ninja Dream Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Bijan Nowroozian | 178.5 | Bijan's Picks - The Champ is Here! | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Jacky Lin | 178.5 | Who Let the Dogs Out | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Brian Simkins | 178.5 | Brian's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Jackie Angelucci | 178.5 | Ninja Sunami | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Erlangga Nabil | 178.5 | NabilUltimateTeam | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Leonzio Cataldo | 178.5 | Legends | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Lindsay Ontko | 178.5 | Ultimate Tomato Warrior | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Tyler Metcalf | 178.5 | Team hurricane | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh levin | 38 | Daniel gil | 37 | Adam rayl | 35 |
Donal MacAuley | 178 | I F*ck With the Double Dipper | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Cristina Keps | 178 | True warriors | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee richardson | 39 | Josh levin | 38 |
Kaleb Buell | 178 | Joe maravsky | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Nicholas coolridge | 35 | Josh levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Jessie Rancourt | 178 | My Zombie Apocolypse Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Dalton Higbee | 177.5 | Indonesia | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | David Campbell | 24 |
Dalton Higbee | 177.5 | Indonesia | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | David Campbell | 24 |
Dalton Higbee | 177.5 | Dream Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | David Campbell | 24 |
Cole Goldenflame | 177 | Team Voldemort | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Aaron Dimaandal | 177 | ADMIRAL AKBAR | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Jason Thermond | 177 | Mason thermonds team | Sean bryan | 49.5 | Najee richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Jackson Wiebe | 176 | Jax Picks | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Kendra Baumer | 176 | All I Do Is Win, Win, Win | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Kendra Baumer | 176 | Sign Me Up Dang It | Jessie Graff | 16 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Andy Moore | 175 | Super Ninjas | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Bailey Story | 175 | The legends | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Shantanu Wad | 175 | Team Powerhouse | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Braden Scott | 175 | The Quinjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Edith Chukwunenye | 175 | The sonic boom team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel Gil | 37 | sean bryan | 49.5 |
lance daul | 174 | The Charlie's | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Kevin Bull | 25 |
Matt Hall | 174 | Mjbh | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
Roy Krauthamer | 174 | Michigan Dawg Ninja | joe moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | sean bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Nick Moore | 172.5 | moore ninja skills | joe Moravsky | 24.5 | drew drechsel | 44 | adam rayl | 35 | austin gray | 30 | najee richardson | 39 |
Zoe Rousch | 172.5 | Team Awesome | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Alex Rosenthal | 172.5 | Team funruns | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Tyler Gillett | 29 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Zach Day | 172.5 | ALL DAY | Zach Day | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Chris Wilczewski | 39 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Chris O'Neill | 172 | Black Manta Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh Levin | 38 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Lita Brillman | 172 | The Beirded Ladies | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Nolan Lajoie | 172 | Laidback Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Josh levin | 38 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Nolan Lajoie | 172 | Laidback Ninjas | Josh Levin | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Matilda murray | 171.5 | life is fun so is ninja | Drew Drechsel | 44 | joe moravsky | 24.5 | najee richardson | 39 | josh levin | 38 | Ryan stratis | 26 |
Jennifer Silverman | 171 | Sideliners | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Helene Krasnoff | 171 | Ninjas | Adam Rayl | 35 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Mike Steele Steele | 170.5 | BACK FROM THE DEAD | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Brian Pon | 170 | All of the Stars | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jon Alexis | 24.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Catherine Mewborn | 170 | Catherine?s Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Braden Bird | 169.5 | Ninjatastic | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Matthew Day | 25 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Will Harrington | 168.5 | Team bounce back | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Salinas | 39 |
Jennifer Damron | 168 | Homeschooling Ninja | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Grant McCartney | 12 |
Cinaed Collins | 168 | The Flying Dynamos | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Josh Salinas | 39 | Jesse Labreck | 23 |
Nathan Mencke | 167.5 | The Beasts | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Jessica Brown | 167.5 | The BerdJerks | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Moshe Sutton Kravitz | 167.5 | Phly Phoenix Phly | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Ian Dory | 22 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Jack Roland | 167.5 | UniversalTuber | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Ian Dory | 22 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Avery Starr | 167.5 | Super Starrs | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
jon madak | 167.5 | Mount Midoriyama Beasts | Adam Rayl | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Kevin bull | 25 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Hephzibah Adeyemo | 166.5 | God's Chosen | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Renee Poplaski | 166.5 | Renee | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Renee Poplaski | 166.5 | Renee | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
J C | 166.5 | Epic team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Ian dory | 22 |
Zachary Lifman | 166.5 | Finding Dory | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Andrew Leese | 166.5 | Ninja Captains | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Ian Dory | 22 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Matthew Kaung | 166.5 | Team All Star | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Ian Dory | 22 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Rori Rischak | 166 | Cayenne Pepper | Daniel Gil | 37 | Hunter Guerard | 26 | Tyler Gillett | 29 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Salinas | 39 |
Tyler Bungard | 166 | The Force Awakens | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Rigel Henry | 24 |
Luis Perez | 165.5 | Lui's Locos | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Kevin Bull | 25 |
curtis coleman | 165.5 | akbarisms | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Edward Damron | 165.5 | The Designer Nija | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Tal Afek | 165.5 | The Comedian's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Daniel Schwartzberg | 165.5 | The real life kingdom climbers storm | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Kaitlyn Beha | 165.5 | Wildcats | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Jason Zaleski | 165.5 | JZ Twin | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Mickey Brooks | 165.5 | Team $$$ | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Sebastian Allen | 165.5 | The Upper Strength Gods | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Carson Allen | 165 | All Star Ninja | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Nur Aisyah | 164.5 | Lightning Ninjas | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Jacob Wolkan | 164.5 | Detroit Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Charles Doucet-G?linas | 164.5 | Chucktastic | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Winsten Day | 164.5 | Go Ninja Go Ninja Go | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Gael Malone | 164.5 | The Dream Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Stacy Hardwick | 164.5 | Stacy?s anw team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Trackstar 95 | 164.5 | Warriors United | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Jack Bauer | 164.5 | TerrorBirds | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Alec Raniwsky | 163.5 | Team Ranec | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
C Cruger | 163.5 | CC's Team | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Nick Hanson | 23 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Sarah Mishket | 163.5 | Merry Men | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Q Hill | 163.5 | I Can Ninja Too! | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Ian Dory | 22 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Max Oppenhuis | 163.5 | Maxocheese | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Max Oppenhuis | 163.5 | maxocheese | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Imaad Fahimuddin | 163.5 | Imaad03303 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip rodriguez | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Lori McDonald | 163.5 | Katelyns ninjas | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Jamie rahn | 38 | Najee richardson | 39 | Trevor West | 18 |
Jordan Weisner | 163.5 | Jdubs | Drew drechsel | 44 | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Adam rayl | 35 | Josh levin | 38 | Ian dory | 22 |
Drift 121 | 163.5 | Dream Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Peter Burris | 163 | The Waco Warriors | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Michael V. | 163 | Michael's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Meyer Tinley | 163 | Ninja Warriors | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Jarrett Felix | 162.5 | Flying Off The Rayls | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Thomas McDade | 162.5 | Team Geoff Was Robbed | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Daniel Mount | 162.5 | The Team Without a Name | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Paul Szalanski | 162.5 | PaulSki | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Russell Langston | 162.5 | Ultimate Ninja Squad | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Aakaash Narayannan | 162.5 | Chef Curry | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Lance Pekus | 17 |
Tyler Tomanek | 162.5 | Tyler Tomanek's Triumphant Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Patrick Giese | 162.5 | Stage 5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | James McGrath | 20 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
kody gates | 162 | Ninjas | Daniel Gil | 37 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | JJ Woods | 2 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Aleksandar Mladenovic | 162 | Real Life Beasts | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Dominic Montplaisir | 161.5 | La montagne Midoriyama | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Will Eckard | 161.5 | Dream Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Will Eckard | 161.5 | Dream Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Rebecca Cabell | 161.5 | AchtungNinjas | Jessie Graff | 16 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Travis McClure | 161.5 | Levi Who? | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | James McGrath | 20 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Addison Doyle | 161.5 | Addison's Probably Jinxed it now | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Max Henry | 161.5 | Team Max Attack | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Jorge Sepulveda | 161.5 | Trailblazers | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | James McGrath | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Mathis Owhadi | 38 |
Lucas Sivy | 161.5 | Mega Wall Warlords | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Mathis Owhadi | 38 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Nathan Schrieber | 160.5 | Nascar24 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Felicia Bravo | 160.5 | All the way | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Ariel Scheinblum | 160.5 | NInja Dream Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Jane Nealey | 160.5 | THE team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Macen Bird | 160.5 | NINJANERD | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Michelle Warnky | 15 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Jane Nealey | 160.5 | THE team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Lucas Reale | 160 | Dream Team | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Josh Levin | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | David Cavanagh | 16 | Lucas Reale | 24 |
Brandon Grumet | 160 | Arnold strong | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Brad Scarry | 159.5 | Crawtucky Otters | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Lisa Thompson | 159.5 | My Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Josh Levin | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Alex Stevens | 159.5 | Project Fly | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Megan Jackson | 159.5 | HoodleValley | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Kathryn Armstrong | 159.5 | Frayhem | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 |
Caleb Alexander | 159 | The best. | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Nabeel Hannan | 159 | PARTY BROS | Brian Arnold | 19 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Daniel gil | 37 |
Nabeel Hannan | 159 | The bosses | Brian Arnold | 19 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Nabeel Hannan | 159 | The bosses | Brian Arnold | 19 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Zain Hannan | 159 | The bosses | Brian Arnold | 19 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Zain Hannan | 159 | The bosses | Brian Arnold | 19 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Zain Hannan | 159 | The bosses | Brian Arnold | 19 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Kelli Houdek | 158.5 | Kcritter77 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Ryan Stratis | 26 |
Jeremy Crabill | 158.5 | Alpha Squad | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Jeremy Crabill | 158.5 | Alpha Squad | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Kevin Baumer | 158.5 | Flex On'em | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Kristin Auger | 158.5 | Blazin Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | David Cavanagh | 16 |
Scotty Wilson | 158.5 | Scottt wilson | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jamie rahn | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Meagan martin | 15 |
Jack Nelsen | 158 | Tkny018 | Josh levin | 38 | Daniel gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Morovsky | 0 |
Dusty McKinney | 158 | MAGA | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Ian Dory | 22 | Kenneth Niemitalo | 29.5 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Westley Bayas | 157.5 | New Orleans Warriors | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Evan Roehl | 157.5 | NEXTGENNINJA | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel GIl | 37 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 |
Richard Carroll | 157 | Team Redemption | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Imaad Fahimuddin | 157 | Imaad03303 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Morvasky | 0 | Josh levin | 38 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Conor Galvin | 157 | Conor?s Gnarly Ninja Squad | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Michael Torres | 15 | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 |
Abby Brocklehurst | 157 | Abby's Ninjas | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Kyle Soderman | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Abby Brocklehurst | 157 | Abby's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Kyle Soderman | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Samantha Culbertson | 157 | Culbertson Clan | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Jadon Eugene | 156.5 | I'm a simple man | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
David Marceau | 156.5 | Cowansville Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Moshe Golubtchik | 156.5 | Pizzasquirrel92 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Jennifer Hollywood | 156 | Go for it!!!!!!!! | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
David Pickett | 156 | Iseman Gbaja-biamila | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Geoff Britten | 156 | ProTeam | Adam Rayl | 35 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jake Murray | 34.5 |
Erinbeth Crabtree | 156 | American Ninja Awesome | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Emily Frazier | 155.5 | The Flash | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Grant McCartney | 12 |
ilona Ch | 155 | Team X | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Chase Havens | 155 | The Course Killers | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najee Richerdson | 0 |
Drew Nester | 154.5 | The ninja turtles | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Alfonso Mancuso | 154.5 | Webberley Hills 90210 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Josh Levin | 38 | Chris Wilczewski | 39 | Gaines | 153 | The Gainsini Force #2 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Allyssa Beird | 15 |
Simon Gaines | 153 | The Gainsini Force 2 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Allyssa Beird | 15 |
Jonathon Volkmer | 152.5 | The Classics | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 | Kevin Bull | 25 |
Ryan Wiesner | 151.5 | RealLifeKings | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Andrew Delos | 151.5 | Team Delos | Kenneth Niemitalo | 29.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Chris Wilczewski | 39 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Tim Dexter | 0 |
CJ Sidon | 151.5 | CJ | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Colby Sidon | 151.5 | CJ | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee richardson | 39 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Kevin Bull | 25 |
Jake Rosengarter | 151 | Jake?s Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drecshel | 0 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Jacoby Guiliano | 151 | The Buckeye Force | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Meagan Martin | 15 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Trackstar 95 | 150.5 | Warriors United | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Tyler Gillett | 29 |
Eric Markstein | 150 | Eric M?s Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Dreschal | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
William Kane | 149.5 | The Elite Ninja's | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Jude Willett | 149.5 | MakeAmericaGreatAgain | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Brew Drechsel | 0 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Ethan Lee | 149.5 | The Unexpected! | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Ian Dory | 22 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Clara Harris | 148.5 | Greasy Bois | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Matthew Dolce | 148.5 | Send Crew | Karson Voiles | 28 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Ashley mcdonald | 148.5 | Sparkle Motion and the Funky Five | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Jessie LaBreck | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Ashley Wells | 148.5 | ANW12 | Austin gray | 30 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Thomas stillings | 30 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Alex Haughwout | 148.5 | Ninja Sensations | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Kevin Bull | 25 |
Matt Sinnenberg | 148.5 | Team Thewmath | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | James McGrath | 20 | Ian Dory | 22 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Matt Sinnenberg | 148.5 | Team Thewmath | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | James Mcgrath | 20 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Faith Meyer | 148 | Faith's Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Makay Erickson | 148 | Winnnnnneeeeerrrrr | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
Amanda Cunningham | 147.5 | Once Upon a Time | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Kalif Guest | 147.5 | Team Ninja Warriors | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | James McGrath | 20 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Jordan Burkhardt | 147.5 | NGN Live | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | David Campbell | 24 | Sean Darling-Hammond | 16 |
David White | 147.5 | Team ThunderJunk | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | JJ Woods | 2 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Justin Ahrem | 147.5 | I take the W?s | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Landon Smith | 147 | KeyboardNinjaANW | Adam Rayl | 35 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Ian Dory | 22 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Preston Zorn | 146.5 | Loth Cats | Joe Morvsky | 0 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Joseph Moravsky | 146.5 | Storm Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Daylan Hodges | 146.5 | Ninja masters | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie graff | 16 | Kevin bull | 25 | Daniel gil | 37 |
Kira Garcia-D'Amour | 146.5 | The Conquistadors | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Travis Rosen | 18 | Ian Dory | 22 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Ragin Jackson | 146 | Winning Team | Meagan Martin | 15 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Aidan Wood | 146 | Thunder | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Jon Alexis | 24.5 |
Kira Hoffer | 145.5 | Kira's All Stars | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel Gil | 37 | James McGrath | 20 |
Elizabeth Stamps | 145.5 | Hercules | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
Max Feinberg | 145.5 | Beast Coasters | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Nick Kosteski | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Kara Pothier | 145.5 | Falcon Squad | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Isaac caldiero | 18 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Macklin Cooke | 144.5 | Mack Attacks Picks | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Joe Tom | 144.5 | White Tigers | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Chris Wilczewski | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Dimwit Bastian | 144.5 | Drechsel & Dimwit | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | JJ Woods | 2 | Jon Alexis | 24.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 |
Kate Haffner | 144.5 | Bananas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | James McGrath | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
nick Moore | 144.5 | moore ninja skills | joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | daniel gil | 37 | austin grey | 0 | najee richardson | 39 |
Chase Brown | 143.5 | MagicNinja | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Sean Noel | 0 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Miller Culp | 143.5 | Miller | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Miller Culp | 143.5 | Miller | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Connor Hughes | 143.5 | Super Saiyan Squad | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | James McGrath | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Tracey Zorn | 143.5 | Rebels | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Tracey Zorn | 143.5 | Rebels | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Timothy Gardner | 143.5 | Rolling Thunder | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Haaris Iqbal | 143.5 | Rolling Thunders | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Tracey zorn | 143.5 | Rebels | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Zachery Goldstein | 143.5 | Perfecto flashin Dream team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Alec Mathena | 143.5 | Team Mathena | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Sam Buswell | 143.5 | All time greats | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Ian dory | 22 |
Nate Taylor | 143.5 | The cool dudes | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Rayne Taylor | 143.5 | Ultimate Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Geoff Brittan | 0 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Brandan Kelly | 143 | Team Stacks | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Brent Steffensen | 17 | David Campbell | 24 |
Aidan Sullivan | 143 | The Draylers | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Josh Levin | 38 | Hunter Guerard | 26 | Lorin Ball | 0 |
Tyler Ferraro | 142.5 | Ninja4ro | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Adam Rayl | 35 | JJ Woods | 2 |
Cathy Hohmeier | 142.5 | High Flyers | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Ryan Stratis | 26 |
Melanie Merget | 142.5 | Mel?s Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
owen pham | 142.5 | PhamilyNinjasO | drew drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | mike silenzi | 0 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Daniel Jones | 142.5 | Vegas or BUST!!!! | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Nathan Stinson | 142.5 | Nate's Picks Sure to Lose | Adam Rayl | 35 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Charlie Andrews | 0 |
Jordan Deaton | 142.5 | TheBoomSquad | Josh Levin | 38 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
lucky blockpro | 142.5 | American Ninja Awesome | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Josh Levin | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Sage Holloway | 142 | Nicely Nimble Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 | Kyle Soderman | 0 |
Deb Wisniewski | 142 | The Goats | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 | Jaimie Rahn | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Robert Snively | 142 | Nova Scotia Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Daniel Gill | 0 |
Nate Allen | 141.5 | Nate's Ninja's | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Charlie Andrews | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Lorri Paquette | 141.5 | Jae and Auntie O | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Allyssa Beird | 15 |
Steven Tucker | 141.5 | stvntckr | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Kyle Soderman | 0 | Hunter Guerard | 26 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Christopher Brownell JR | 141.5 | The Badass Ninjaz | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Brittany Wojkiewicz | 141 | Team Awesome | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Josh Levin | 38 | JJ Woods | 2 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Greg Schwartz | 140.5 | The Comebackers | Greg Schwartz | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Timothy Worley | 140.5 | Winners | Nick Fordney | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
bo livingston | 140.5 | #ninja tigers | Drew Drechsel | 44 | jody avila | 3 | Jon Alexis | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Aymaan Fairuz | 140.5 | Anak ayah!! | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Isaac caldiero | 18 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Michael Torres | 15 |
Ben Johnson | 140.5 | Relativistic Rabbits | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Drew Knapp | 28 |
Will Harrington | 140 | Team winners | Josh levin | 38 | Jesse labreck | 23 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Charlie Andrews | 0 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Charlotte Flowers | 140 | Flower Power | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | JESSIE Graff | 16 |
Sarah Hollywood | 139.5 | The Shooting Stars | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Travis Rosen | 18 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Brandi Sanchez | 139.5 | BSWINE Ninja | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Isaac caldiero | 18 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie graff | 16 |
Kristi Marks | 139.5 | KJ's Team Awesome | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Grant McCartney | 12 |
Heidi Hung | 139.5 | Heidi's High Fliers | Najee Richardson | 39 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Sarah Peterman | 139.5 | speter | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Noah Ford | 139.5 | Team Ford | Ian Dory | 22 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Owen Harris | 139 | The 5 Rings | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Jesse Labreck | 23 |
Milo Benjamine | 139 | Ultra team | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie graff | 16 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Richard Jones | 138.5 | Dopamine | Grant McCartney | 12 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Jason Doll | 137.5 | Math is Life | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Grant McCartney | 12 |
Jake Clark | 137.5 | All-Stars xD | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Michael Torres | 15 |
Ayu Ban | 137.5 | Ayu's Team Big boi | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Owen Mathers | 137 | TA's Tops | David Cavanagh | 16 | Lucas Reale | 24 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
stephen sinclair | 136.5 | Team Steve | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
ruxth jfjfjy | 136.5 | Awesomeness | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Jd Eserjose | 136.5 | Jdee | Jessie Graff | 16 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
wally roskelley | 136 | Wishful Wally | Adam Rayl | 35 | Joe Marovsky | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | flip rodriguez | 20 |
Joseph Hummer | 136 | J-Squad | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Jesse Labreck | 23 |
Jaylin Stofferahn | 136 | JJStoffrs | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 |
Jackie Adams | 136 | Unbeatables | Daniel Gil | 37 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie LaBreck | 0 |
Sean Sullivan | 135.5 | All stars | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Sean Sullivan | 135.5 | All stars | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Kathy Johnson | 135.5 | Kicking Kathy | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Sean Darling-Hammond | 16 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Michelle Warnky | 15 |
Liliana Cervera | 135.5 | Superhero strong | Drew drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie graff | 16 | Barclay stockett | 14 |
Adam Birely | 135 | The fastest | Adam Rayl | 35 | JJ Woods | 2 | Josh Levin | 38 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Nick Hanson | 23 |
Lauren Tauer | 134.5 | Let's B. cereus | Chris Wilczewski | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Michael Bernardo | 11 | Jon Alexis | 24.5 |
Gabriel Kain | 134.5 | Team Flash | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Lorin Ball | 0 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Drew Knapp | 28 |
brad phil | 134.5 | The Cowboys | Lance Pekus | 17 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Michael Torres | 15 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 |
Kayla Jones | 134 | Takeover | Drew drechsel | 44 | Jessie graff | 16 | James McGrath | 20 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
Ethan Jones | 134 | Ethan ninja squad | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Najer Richardson | 0 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Grace K | 134 | Team Grace | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Meagan Martin | 15 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Phil Null | 133 | The Nullvoid | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Charlie Andrews | 0 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Brian Scheinblum | 132.5 | Brian's Team | JJ Woods | 2 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
colleen pham | 132.5 | PhamilyNinjasR | kevin bull | 25 | brian arnold | 19 | Najee Richardson | 39 | mike silenzi | 0 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Christian DeRubeis | 132.5 | SRU Ninja | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Christian DeRubeis | 7 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Isaac caldiero | 18 |
Pat Bastian | 130.5 | Sabre Soldiers | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Travis Rosen | 18 | David Campbell | 24 | James McGrath | 20 |
Ilona cheepa | 130 | The X Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jamie rahn | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Lindsay Sarah | 130 | Hell's Belles | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ryan Stratis | 26 |
Tyler Wilkinson | 129.5 | Hero?s Ninja | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Issac Caldiero | 0 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 |
Sophia Kreutner | 129.5 | Beast Mode | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee Richardson | 39 | JJ Woods | 2 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
deepa pradeep | 129.5 | The incredibles | joe moravsky | 24.5 | drew Drechsel | 44 | najee richardson | 39 | ian dory | 22 | geoff britten | 0 | Beck | 129 | Randy's Game | Ian Dory | 22 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Nicholas Coolridge | 35 | Jesse Labreck | 23 |
Mike Fitzgerald | 128.5 | The plural of Ninja is Ninja | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Ian Dory | 22 | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Geoff Brittain | 0 |
Joshua Nielsen | 127.5 | Cool Beans | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Charlie Andrews | 0 | Ian Dory | 22 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Michael Fischer | 127.5 | Detroit Ninja | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Josh Levin | 38 | JJ Woods | 2 |
Brandon Beauregard | 127.5 | Team Successful | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Ian Dory | 22 | Travis Rosen | 18 |
Jackson Erdos | 127.5 | Team Fly | Dan Galzynski | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe moravsky | 24.5 |
Levi Johnson | 127 | The Najees | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Kevin Bull | 25 | David Campbell | 24 | Nick Hanson | 23 |
Lauren Beck | 127 | Lauren's Lions | Daniel Gil | 37 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Mathis Owhadi | 38 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
alexander johnson | 126.5 | r | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Josh Levin | 38 | Bryan Arnold | 0 |
Ed Wang | 126.5 | CrazyCutters | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Cole Baker | 126.5 | Eskettit | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Travis Rosen | 18 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
mason waltemyer | 126.5 | SAVAGE | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | James McGrath | 20 | Travis Rosen | 18 |
Brian Arnold | 125.5 | NPT | Brian Arnold | 19 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Jake Murry | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 |
matthew henderson | 125.5 | smogy ninja | joe moravsky | 24.5 | flip rodriguez | 20 | kevin bull | 25 | travis rosen | 18 | josh levin | 38 |
Zachary Aron | 125 | Team name | Matthew Day | 25 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Karsten Williams | 12 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Jeff Brooks | 124.5 | Catch-Up Only | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Jeff Brooks | 124.5 | Qjeff328 | Flip rodriguez | 20 | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Brian arnold | 19 |
Ashley Reser | 124 | GILmore Girls | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Kalif Guest | 123.5 | American Ninja All Stars | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Ian Dory | 22 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Josh Ruston | 123.5 | Fiesty goats | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Isaac caldiero | 18 | Geoff britton | 0 |
Neil Chace | 123 | Neil's Team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Charlie Andrews | 0 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Beast Loader | 122.5 | Beasts | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Brent Steffensen | 17 |
Cheyenne Pichel | 122.5 | Ninja dominators | joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Allyssa beird | 15 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Karyn Snyder | 122.5 | Rock and Roll | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Lance Pekus | 17 | Jody Avila | 3 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
Dan Stolle | 122.5 | The Quinjas | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
Jordan Other | 121.5 | NGN is Live | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | daniel gil | 37 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | lucas gomes | 0 | Sean Darling-Hammond | 16 |
Joe Roth | 121.5 | Team Roth | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drewshal | 0 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Levin | 38 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Eric Rodriguez | 121.5 | Nerd Chronic Ninjas | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Josh Levin | 38 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Claire McCarthy | 121.5 | The Speedys | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Jared Dixon | 121.5 | Jared's Team | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Sean Noel | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Brayden Lupher | 121.5 | TeamSasuke | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Lucas Gomes | 0 |
Dawn Potosky | 121.5 | Dylan's Destroyers | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Meagan Martin | 15 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Ian Dory | 22 |
David Schwarz | 120 | Dad of Superfans | Josh Levin | 38 | Charlie Andrews | 0 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Josh Rubin | 120 | Ninjas For Life | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Marovsky | 0 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gill | 0 | Josh Levin | 38 |
Kourosh Farboodmanesh | 119.5 | Big A | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel Gill | 0 | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Tyler French | 119.5 | Team Veg | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Lucas Gomes | 0 | Grant McCartney | 12 |
Kate Haffner | 119.5 | Johnny Bananas | Brian Arnold | 19 | James McGrath | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
Shannon Babcock | 119 | Ninja Fire | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gill | 0 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Elizabeth Moeck | 118.5 | Moecksters | Jesse labreck | 23 | Grant mccartney | 12 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Najee richardson | 39 | Flip rodriguez | 20 |
Andrew Coovert | 118 | Team Ninja Rules | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Morovsky | 0 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Nicolas Coolridge | 0 |
Eve Fulcher | 117.5 | Dream team | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Brent Steffensen | 17 |
Jessica Miller | 117.5 | Strong Ninjas | Jessie Graff | 16 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
Henry Ferrarin | 117.5 | Crimp'in ain't easy | James McGrath | 20 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Henry Ferrarin | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Ciara Collins | 116.5 | Underdogs or Top Dogs | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Tyler Gillett | 29 | Drew Knapp | 28 | Erica Cook | 0 |
Andrew Brown | 115.5 | CP Ninja's picks | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Brian Arnold | 19 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 |
Michele Remondelli | 113.5 | Killer ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Daniel gil | 0 | Kevin bull | 25 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Justin Elias | 113.5 | Jughead | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Adam Rayl | 35 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
Shea Bay | 112.5 | American Ninja Winners | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | JJ Woods | 2 | Ian Dory | 22 |
Chris Brownell | 112.5 | BaddDadd | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Kevin Bull | 25 | David Campbell | 24 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Chris Brownell | 112.5 | BaddDaddy | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Kevin Bull | 25 | David Campbell | 24 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Chris Brownell | 112.5 | BadAssDad2018 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Kevin Bull | 25 | David Campbell | 24 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Toby Paxton | 111.5 | 5150 gang | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Ian Dory | 22 | Jake Murray | 34.5 | Nick Hanson | 23 | Grant McCartney | 12 |
Harris Haldeman | 110.5 | People | Najee Richardson | 39 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 | Jesse Lucero | 0 |
Sean Bastian | 110.5 | Ninja warrior clan | Joe moravsky | 24.5 | Drew drechsel | 44 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Lorin ball | 0 | Ian dory | 22 |
Cillian Collins | 109 | Cillzilla | Drew Drechsel | 44 | JJ Woods | 2 | David Campbell | 24 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Nick Hanson | 23 |
Noah Daul | 107.5 | Wicked Storm | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Daniel Gil | 0 | Jon Alexis Jr. | 0 | Najee Richardson | 39 |
Azamri Sabri | 107 | Battlescars | Daniel Gil | 37 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Tremayne Dortch | 14 | Adam Arnold | 0 | Abel Gonzalez | 18 |
Zachery Goldstein | 106.5 | Zack AttackZ | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
daniel botolino | 106.5 | Daniel's Dominants | Drew Drechsel | 44 | JJ Woods | 2 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Daniel Botolino | 106.5 | Daniel's Dominators | Drew Drechsel | 44 | JJ Woods | 2 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Tess Hope | 106 | Hope | Drew drechsel | 44 | Kevin bull | 25 | Meagan Martin | 15 | JJ Woods | 2 | James mcgrath | 20 |
Jakob Hankins | 105.5 | *Fire Emoji* | Tyler Gillett | 29 | Kevin Carbone | 5 | Bree Widener | 3 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Shawn Shymanski | 104.5 | Vegas Bound Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Ian Dory | 22 | Dan yager | 2 | Brian Arnold | 19 |
Reeder Smith | 104.5 | The Obstacle Crushers | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Travis Rosen | 18 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Laurel Guiliano | 104 | NinjaNannas | Michelle Warnky | 15 | Sean Noel | 0 | Najee richardson | 39 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Adam Rayl | 35 |
Stella Guiliano | 102 | Ninjastars | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Maggie Thorne | 2 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
Ethan Lee | 101.5 | The Unexpected! | Brent Steffensen | 17 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Flip Rodreguez | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 |
Amanda Hughes | 101.5 | Chase's Favorites | Ethan Swanson | 34.5 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Michael Torres | 15 | Chris DiGangi | 18 | Michael Silenzi | 11 |
Heather Castleberry | 99 | Dream team | Grant McCarthy | 0 | Daniel Gil | 37 | Joe Moreavsky | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Isaac Caldiero | 18 |
Connor Collins | 99 | King Connor | Kevin Bull | 25 | Ian Dory | 22 | Lorin Ball | 0 | Josh Levin | 38 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Jack Kelleher | 97.5 | Hometown heros | Flip rodriguez | 20 | JJ woods | 2 | Tiana webberley | 12 | Najee Richardson | 39 | Joe moravsky | 24.5 |
aidil zidane | 96 | Hit The Buzzer! | Kevin Bull | 25 | Jeremy Morgan | 22 | Lorin Ball | 0 | Karsten Williams | 12 | Daniel Gil | 37 |
Jess Bell | 95 | The Beast | Travis Rosen | 18 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | David Campbell | 24 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Brent Steffensen | 17 |
Anna Harris | 94.5 | Dabby Bois | Jessie Graff | 16 | Kevin Bull | 25 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Shantell Bell | 94 | The Beast | Travis Rosen | 18 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | David Campbell | 24 | Meagan Martin | 15 | Brent Steffensen | 17 |
Josh Norton | 93 | Houston Strong | Daniel Gil | 37 | Josh Salinas | 39 | Jody Avila | 3 | Grant Clinton | 0 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Logan Tayco | 91 | Dogs | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | jesse labreck | 23 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Daniel gill | 0 |
Stephen Collins | 91 | Stud or Dud | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Sean Darling-Hammond | 16 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Ryan Stratis | 26 |
Stephen Collins | 91 | Stud or Dud | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Sean Darling-Hammond | 16 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Ryan Stratis | 26 |
Pham Ngoc Hai | 89 | unbeatable | Josh Levin | 38 | Charlie Andrew | 0 | Sean Darling-Hammond | 16 | David Campbell | 24 | Michael Bernardo | 11 |
Aidil Zidane | 89 | Hit The Buzzer ! | Kevin Bull | 25 | Lorin Ball | 0 | Karsten Williams | 12 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Jeremy Morgan | 22 |
Tommy Zacks | 87.5 | I Don't know | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Charlie Andrews | 0 | Najee Richirdson | 0 | Josh Levin | 38 | Joe Morovsky | 0 |
ordan urkhardt | 86 | NGNLive | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Brett Sims | 24 | Geoff Britten | 0 | JJ Woods | 2 | Jessie Graff | 16 |
Spence Kling | 83 | Girl Power | Jessie Graff | 16 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Meagan Martin | 15 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
Darryl Perry | 82.5 | Dancing Sparkle Genies | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Maggie Thorne | 2 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Darryl Perry | 82.5 | Dancing Sparkle Genies | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Maggie Thorne | 2 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Thomas Stillings | 30 |
Kody Gates | 82.5 | Ninja Stars | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Grant Clinton | 0 | Lorin Ball | 0 | Tyler Yamauchi | 14 |
Ender Johnson | 82 | Ultimate Enders | Drew Drechsel | 44 | JJ woods | 2 | Travis Rosen | 18 | Megan Martin | 0 | Chris Digangi | 18 |
Isaiah Cintron | 80 | Team alpha | Brent steffensen | 17 | Barclay stockett | 14 | Rebekah bonilla | 0 | Karsten williams | 12 | Daniel gil | 37 |
Gr Miller | 80 | Arizona | Kevin bull | 25 | Jessie graff | 16 | Daniel gil | 37 | Science ninja | 0 | Maggie thorne | 2 |
Lucy Loew | 72.5 | I don't know what to name this team | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Kacy Catanzaro | 0 | Grant McCartney | 12 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 |
Jordan Smith | 71.5 | NGN L ive | Flip Rodriguez | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | Tyler Gillet | 0 | Ian Dory | 22 | Kevin Carbone | 5 |
Jack Kelleher | 69.5 | Philla freedom | Joe Moravsky | 24.5 | JJ woods | 2 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Tianna webberly | 0 | Flip Rodriguez | 20 |
Moshe Golubtchik | 68 | A Beird? You Graff to Lovett! | Jessie Graff | 16 | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Zhanique Lovett | 8 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Meagan Martin | 15 |
Lisa Haldeman | 68 | Pete the Doggo?s Picks | Meagan Martin | 15 | Jeri D?Aurelio | 0 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Jesse Labreck | 23 |
Ken Ezaki | 68 | American Kunoichi | Allyssa Beird | 15 | Jessie Graff | 16 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Barclay Stockett | 14 | Maggi Thorne | 0 |
Aidil Zidane | 67 | Hit The Buzzer ! | Kevin Bull | 25 | Karsten Williams | 12 | Thomas Stillings | 30 | Jeremiah Morgan | 0 | Lorin Ball | 0 |
Simon Gaines | 67 | The Gainsini Force | Tyler Gillet | 0 | Austin Gray | 30 | Amaury Hernandez | 0 | Jesse Labreck | 23 | Barclay Stockett | 14 |
John Schulz | 59 | Lion Pride | Michelle Warnky | 15 | Sean Noel | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 44 | Chris Warnky | 0 | Shanon Paglieri | 0 |
Christian Bydalek | 0 | THE CELEBRITIES | Connor Daily | 0 | Ricky Stenhouse | 0 | John Cena | 0 | DJ Khalid | 0 | Dwayne Johnson | 0 |