Season 9 General Pool
Check below to see the up to date ANWFantasy Results Season 9!
I will go through and correct spelling errors within the next couple weeks, but that’s a very time consuming process. Even after I've gone through once it is difficult for me to catch them all if you see someone who has not received points and you think they should, please let us know at!
Unfortunately the deadline to enter has passed, you can still submit a team here, however since all results may be known we are not accepting entries into either pool!
Good Luck! Thanks for playing along!
Owner | Total Points | Team Name | Ninja 1 | Points | Ninja 2 | Points | Ninja 3 | Points | Ninja 4 | Points | Ninja 5 | Points |
Emily Frazier | 211 | The Flash | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Adam Waring | 209.5 | SuperHeroMegaTeam - The Tribute | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
J A | 209.5 | Team Ninja Ninjas | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Stacye Nekritz | 209.5 | ANW4theWin | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Moshe Sutton Kravitz | 208 | Phly Phoenix Phly | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Josh Levin | 36 |
William Armstrong | 206.5 | CT Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Alexa Landis | 205.5 | Alexa's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Bob Giesbrecht | 205 | Dr Muffin's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Diana Santoyo | 205 | Stealth R Us | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Geoff Britten | 205 | ProTeam | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Brian Beckstrand | 204 | Swiftninja | Adam Rayl | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Brayden Lupher | 203.5 | Team Six Pack | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Rayna Malhotra | 202.5 | the duck squad | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Derick Hwang | 202 | m3m3rs | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Emily Fields | 200.5 | Thegirlninja | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel GIl | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Howie Rosenblatt | 200.5 | Team Action | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Alex Cunningham | 200.5 | Flips are flippin' fun! | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
luis gonzalez | 200.5 | dharma ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Daniel P. | 200.5 | Team Schossel | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Lance Pekus | 31.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Kira Garcia-D'Amour | 200 | The Conquistadors | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Kody Gates | 198.5 | Ninja Stars | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Grant Clinton | 31 |
Noah Büttner | 198.5 | The Professor's beasts | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Adam Rayl | 38 | Josh Levin | 36 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Kyle Daniels | 198 | Team Conquest | Nick Kostreski | 29 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Stallone Eu | 197.5 | My Shoe Game | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Heather Nelson | 197.5 | Heather's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Aryan Arora | 197.5 | Ninja Powerhouse | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Jeremy Newborn | 197.5 | Magc32 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Ashley Wells | 197.5 | Anw2000 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Thomas stillings | 33 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Tyler Ferraro | 197.5 | Ninja winners | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Rich Carroll | 197.5 | Armchair Ninjas | Najee Richardson | 42 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Jason Bennett | 197.5 | Bill's Warriors | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Alfonso Mancuso | 196 | Yagermeister | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Aidan Banfield | 196 | Shinobi | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Jason Zaleski | 196 | JZTwin | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Kaitlyn Beha | 196 | Wildcats | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Joseph LaRose | 196 | Joseph's Team | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Zach Lifman | 196 | Finding Dory | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Aaron Dimaandal | 196 | SHA NA NA | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Zach Day | 195.5 | ALL DAY | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Nick Kostreski | 29 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Garrett Britnell | 194.5 | Team G | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Joel Allen | 194.5 | Novel Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Brian Pon | 194.5 | All of the Stars | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
ryan krauthamer | 194.5 | the ninja lab | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | daniel gil | 39 | brian arnold | 27 | Josh levin | 36 |
Jessie Rancourt | 194.5 | My Zombie Apocolypse Team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Winsten Day | 194 | Go Ninja Go Ninja Go | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Christy Burchett | 194 | Mom's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Lisa Martin | 193.5 | Who's your ninja? | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel gil | 39 | Najee richardson | 42 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Drew drechsel | 39.5 |
Jess Drager | 193.5 | Queens | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Diego Reyes | 193 | Ninja Warriors | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Tim Frew | 193 | Kiwi Ninja Team | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Tim Frew | 193 | Kiwi Ninja Team | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Tracy Marcoux | 192.5 | Defying Gravity | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Emily Hawkes | 192.5 | "That's not Akbar"'s team | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Charlie Andrews | 22 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Brett Severino | 192.5 | Little Teacher Ninja | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Haziq Bin Liaqat | 191.5 | Dominating Beasts | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Jesse LaBreck | 22 |
CJ Puccio | 191.5 | Drew/Flip G.O.A.T.S | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Lindsey Roskelley | 191.5 | Lindzninjz | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | brian arnold | 27 |
Shawn Smith | 191.5 | Ninja Steamrollers | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Matt D'Amico | 191.5 | Sensei Matt | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Brandon Cox | 191.5 | Team Cox | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Alex Mroz | 190.5 | ninjawarrior17 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Alex Mroz | 190.5 | ninjawarrior17 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Mark Antioquia | 190.5 | Team Aspiring | Michael Torres | 18 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Jennifer Henry | 190.5 | Ninja Fabulous | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Lance Pekus | 31.5 | Brent Steffensen | 31 |
Matthew Puntin | 190.5 | Goose Pond Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Lynn Hartsough | 190 | East meets West | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Jon Preuth | 190 | Jon's Dream Team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Amanda Heywood | 190 | Team Sloth | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Tim Worley | 189.5 | Timinjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Jody Avila | 31 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
dan Harney | 189 | 20 bucks gone | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | ian dory | 37.5 |
Luke Hutchison | 189 | All star ninja stars | Drew drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Bobby Gillis | 188.5 | Bobby's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Anthony's Scianna | 188.5 | Ninjas stole Brady's jersey | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
kira hoffer | 188.5 | kiras ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | brian arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | josh levin | 36 | flip rodriguez | 33 |
Kira Hoffer | 188.5 | Kira's ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh levin | 36 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Josh Ruston | 188.5 | Fiesta goats | Kevin bull | 32 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Joe moravsky | 53 | flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Josh Ruston | 188.5 | Fiesta goats | Kevin bull | 32 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Joe moravsky | 53 | flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Nick Andreoli | 187.5 | New Era Midoriyamas | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Benjamin Beadle | 187.5 | Beadle Bailey's` | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Spence Kling | 187.5 | Ninja Clutch | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Josh Levin | 36 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
rene calderon | 187.5 | Ninja Legends | najee richardson | 42 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | meagan martin | 17 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | josh levin | 36 |
Michael Ho | 187 | ninjago warriors | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Michael Torres | 18 |
Dustin Fishman | 186.5 | Flying Fish | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Nick Kostreski | 29 |
Margaret-Anne Schievink | 186.5 | Margz's Magic | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Jack Roland | 185.5 | UniversalTuber | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Veeti Vesalainen | 185 | Reallifegodfathers | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Zac Robinson | 185 | Zrob8 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Mason Thermond | 185 | Masons team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Louis-Philippe Julien | 185 | Lp | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Dorian Pijnenburg | 184.5 | Windjammers | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Josh Levin | 36 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Haley Johnson | 184.5 | Ninja dream team | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Jaclyn Parks | 184.5 | Ninja Heat | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Andy Moore | 184.5 | Super Ninjas | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Madeline Nam | 184.5 | Sammo Hog | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Dylan Palmer | 184.5 | West Coast Ninjas | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Owen Mathers | 184.5 | TA's Tops | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Dave Cavanagh | 29 |
Zachary Donaldson | 184.5 | Domination Patrol | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Tate Becker | 184.5 | The Good one | Daniel Gil | 39 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | JJ Woods | 33 |
Branson Sandoval | 184.5 | Branson's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Karen Flahavan | 184.5 | Flip Flop Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Caleb B | 183.5 | The Epic Ninja Team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Jerry Dougherty | 183.5 | Ninja Family | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Austin Rolen | 183.5 | Ninja Squad 62 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Brent steffensen | 31 |
Matthew Doan | 183.5 | Totally Not Last | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Brent Steffensen | 31 |
Jenny Hampton | 183.5 | Hampton Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Greg MacDonald | 182.5 | Midoriyama Mountaineers | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Maxine Rodriguez | 182.5 | Team Mighty Max | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | James McGrath | 15 |
bob livingston | 182.5 | Curlys' ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Brent steffensen | 31 |
Nick Vargas | 182 | Team Awesomeness | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Mason Engnes | 181 | Mason's Ninja Fantasy Team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Jarrett Felix | 179 | Levin on a Prayer | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Bijan Nowroozian | 179 | Bijan's Picks (The Champ is here!) | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Jarrett Felix | 179 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | |
Hank Bates | 179 | Formal NFL Defensive End Akbar Gbajabiamilia | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Ryan Stratis | 27 |
Jose Britton | 179 | Flippin' for Britton | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Terryn Roy | 179 | NinjaCanada | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Matthew DeFeo | 179 | The Cuddly Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Daniel LeCroy | 178.5 | Daniel's Picks | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Ryan Stratis | 27 |
Brett Griffth | 178.5 | Being Brett is Fun | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | James McGrath | 15 |
Derek Childers | 178.5 | GoGo PowerNINJA's | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Nick Shook | 178.5 | Nick's In It to Win It | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Jay Kuzmak | 178.5 | VaultersRule | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Cheri Hess | 178.5 | team Hess | flip Rodriguez | 33 | JJ Woods | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | joe moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Paige Beame | 177.5 | Laser beames | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Ian dory | 37.5 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Shannon Prendergast | 177.5 | Vegas ninja | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Travis Rosen | 32 |
Calder Jappy | 177.5 | The Guessing team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | David Campbell | 15 | Brent steffensen | 31 |
Jim Keller | 177.5 | Dream Team | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | David Campbell | 15 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Jake Smythe | 177 | Breakout Legacies | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Jackson Wiebe | 176.5 | Jax Picks | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | James McGrath | 15 |
Demetrios Fotiou | 176.5 | Greek Ninjas | Kevin Bull | 32 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Hannah Nekritz | 176.5 | Non-Stop Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | James McGrath | 15 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
John McCann | 176 | John McCann | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
David S | 176 | Hot Steppers | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Kathryn Kling | 176 | SuperNovaNinjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Tyler Behrle | 176 | Ninja For a Cure Competition August 5th | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Michael Torres | 18 |
Halle Boyles | 176 | Make Alan Great Again | Ian Dory | 37.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Donal MacAuley | 176 | F*ck the Giant Log Grip | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ethan Swanson | 10 |
Shari Kinney | 175.5 | IN IT TO WIN IT NINJAS | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
josh norton | 175 | Blue Steel | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jody Avila | 31 |
Avi Berg | 174.5 | bob | Josh Levin | 36 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Keegan Duncanson | 174.5 | Ninjas United | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew knapp | 31 |
Todd Mitchell | 174.5 | Todd's Picks | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brett Sims | 14 | Nick Kostreski | 29 |
Sam Hirth | 174 | Sam's team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Kevin bull | 32 | Lorin ball | 16.5 | Joe moravsky | 53 |
Michael Barletta | 173.5 | The Greastests | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ryan Stratis | 27 |
Makyla Grant | 173.5 | Ninja of Lengends | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Lydia Flennory | 173.5 | Lydia | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 |
Josh McAllister | 173.5 | Team Unstoppable | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 |
Josh McAllister | 173.5 | Team Unstoppable | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 |
Josh McAllister | 173.5 | Team Unstoppable | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 |
Christian DeRubeis | 173.5 | SRU Ninja | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Ernest Phillips | 0 |
Charles Blacknall | 173 | The Pirate Ninjas | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Soleil Gaskin | 172.5 | Wolfpac | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Jim Perry | 172.5 | Team GRAMD | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Arthur Tamura | 172.5 | team tamu | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
jon madak | 172 | Mount Midoriyama Beasts | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Kevin bull | 32 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Amanda Thomas | 171.5 | #winningteam | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Josh Levin | 36 | Thomas Stillings | 33 |
Derek Russell | 171.5 | I can't believe it's not baseball | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Makil Hoilett | 171 | The Contenders | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Matija Sinogl | 171 | Dunlops | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Lauren Kleinman | 171 | Kleinman's Krushers | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Mason Thermond | 171 | Mason T's Top Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Heather Bayse | 170.5 | Team kickbutt | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Chris P | 170.5 | Head Ninjas In Charge | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Brian Arnold | 27 | James McGrath | 15 |
Cara Rutherford | 170.5 | Winning Warriors | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Sara Carrier | 170 | Sara's Avengers | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Josh Levin | 36 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Ben Raber | 169.5 | Ninja Gods and Goddesess | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Darryl Kaiman | 169.5 | Kings of ANW | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Dylan Santoyo | 169.5 | The Dream Team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Richard Levin | 169.5 | ANWCrushers | Josh levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel gil | 39 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Brian Simkins | 169.5 | Flubby Legs | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Dima Qandah | 169 | The Invincibles | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Isac caledero | 0 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Daniel gil | 39 | Ian dory | 37.5 |
Brian Bodnar | 168.5 | Core ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Meagan Martin | 17 |
Murray Adams | 168.5 | Vision Ninja's ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ethan Swanson | 10 |
Devon Diaz | 168.5 | RainDrop x DropTop | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Brooke Galschiodt | 168.5 | Team Toothless | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
G T | 168 | Rhinestone Cowboy | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Kim wienches | 168 | Wienches Warriors | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Susan Galschiodt | 167.5 | Top Guns | Flip rodriguez | 33 | Daniel gil | 39 | Ian dory | 37.5 | Ryan stratis | 27 | Brent steffensen | 31 |
Susan Galschiodt | 167.5 | Top Guns | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Brent Steffensen | 31 |
Susan Galschiodt | 167.5 | Top Guns | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brent Steffensen | 31 |
Ronit Johnson | 167.5 | Tumblejets | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Alec Raniwsky | 167.5 | Team Ranec | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Amanda Banks | 167.5 | Ninja power | Joe moravsky | 53 | Drew drechsel | 39.5 | Brian arnold | 27 | Flip rodriguez | 33 | James mcgrath | 15 |
Ari Besterman | 167.5 | Besterquans | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | James McGrath | 15 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Hannah Wagner | 167.5 | Backyard Ninjas | James McGrath | 15 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Susan Rothenbuhler | 167.5 | BabyLoveBabes | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Isaac Caldiero | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Sebastian Sempsrott | 167.5 | Team Death Panda | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Cody Hastings | 166.5 | Complexity | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Travis Rosen | 32 |
Jennifer Morrison | 166.5 | Inspiration Station | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel Gil | 39 | James McGrath | 15 |
John Smith | 166.5 | Random | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James Mcgrath | 15 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Megan Jackson | 166 | Megan's mighty warriors | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Charles Doucet-Gélinas | 166 | Chucktastic | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Quinn Dillon | 165.5 | Quinn's ninja squad | Josh Levin | 36 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Diana Santoyo | 165.5 | Stealth R Us | Drew Dreshcel | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Cabss B | 165.5 | Fearless Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 | Adam Rayl | 38 |
Adam Waring | 165.5 | The Original SuperHeroMegaTeam | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Raam Melvani | 164.5 | Season 9 Predictions | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Karie Young | 164.5 | Mountain Shadow | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Mike Bernardo | 30 |
Game Duchess | 164.5 | GameDuchess' Legion of Big Badda Boom | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Lancaster | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Adam Johnstonbaugh | 164.5 | Carolina Lightning | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Geoff Britton | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
zach Staley | 164.5 | dream team | drew drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | daniel gil | 39 | geoff brittens | 0 |
Heather O'Neill | 163.5 | I see you! | Travis Rosen | 32 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Reko Rivera | 163.5 | Reko's super duper ninja team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Darryl Gill | 163.5 | Late to the Party | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Najee richardson | 42 | brian Arnold | 27 | flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Brady Spear | 163.5 | Winners | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Chris Wilchzewski | 0 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Brady Spear | 163.5 | The Best Squad | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Chris Wilchzewski | 0 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Greg Schwartz | 163.5 | The Comebackers | Greg Schwartz | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Matthew Massave | 163 | Lemons | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Sarah Grace Whitt | 162.5 | The Storm | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Nathan Nguyen | 162.5 | Let go | Joe moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Ian dory | 37.5 |
Jennifer Kreutner | 162 | Team Awesome | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | JJ Woods | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Jennifer Kreutner | 162 | Team Awesome | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | JJ Woods | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Jessica Gillis | 161.5 | Notorious Ninjas | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Micki Brooks | 161.5 | Iseman's Angels | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Josh Levin | 36 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Ballzy Callz | 161.5 | Dry Ballzy's | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Chris Hadley | 161.5 | Hadley's Course Crankers | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Kristi Marks | 161 | Team Awesome | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Nate DeFeo | 160.5 | Nate's Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | James McGrath | 15 |
Melanie Riley | 160.5 | MelBear | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | James McGrath | 15 |
Bry S | 160.5 | Fierce Flamethrowers | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 |
Riley Brent | 160.5 | Mr Parker's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Aditya Pradeep | 160.5 | Time Machines | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Uriah Valdez | 160.5 | The Scooby Doo's | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Ryan Stratis | 27 |
Danielle Ford | 160 | Ninja Spirit | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Meagan Martin | 17 |
Brittany Lovette | 160 | Brittany's Warriors | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Cara Butler | 160 | Buckaroo Butlers | Jessie Graff | 20 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Gary Smith | 160 | Tiganthers | Jake murray | 2 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Brayden Lupher | 159.5 | TeamSixPack | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas coolridge | 30 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 | James McGrath | 15 |
Shan Wilson | 159.5 | shan's real life beasts | Travis Rosen | 32 | James McGrath | 15 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Elisabeth Hornfeck | 159 | EH Ninjas | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Joseph Moravsky | 159 | NinjaWeatherman | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Grace Boyles | 159 | Mr. Noodle the OG ANW | Flip rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 | Kevin bull | 32 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Mikhail Smith | 158.5 | The Metallicats | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Stephanie Andrews | 158.5 | Stephanie ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel gil | 39 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Michael torres | 18 |
Travis McClure | 158.5 | Levi Who? | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Noel Reyes | 0 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Terri Greaser | 158.5 | Too Fast for Ya Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Pete Dillman | 158.5 | The facts | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Jon Alexis Jr. | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Eric Schreiber | 158.5 | Schreibdog's Warriors | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Marina Alvarez | 158.5 | The best | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Lisa Thompson | 158.5 | My Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Lucas Reale | 158 | Dream Team | Daniel Gil | 39 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Ethan Swanson | 10 |
Sean Murin | 157.5 | Emu's World All-Stars | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Jim Garemore | 157.5 | Jimsawesomeninjalineup | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Jackie Angelucci | 157.5 | Ninja Greats | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Neil Craver | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 |
Caden Bernstein Lawler | 157.5 | The Mavericks | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
zach staley | 157.5 | studio d | geoff britten | 0 | drew Drechsel | 39.5 | flip rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | kevin bull | 32 |
Natalie Silver | 157 | Natarina1511 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Natalie Silver | 157 | Natarina | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Rob Flahavan | 157 | Finding Ian Dory | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Michael Cantu | 156.5 | The punishers | Victor Juarez | 14 | Drew drechsel | 39.5 | Tremayne dortch | 11 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Luke Hiltman | 156.5 | Code Red | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Brent Steffensen | 31 |
Keegan Duncanson | 156.5 | Ninjas United | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Jake murray | 2 | Drew knapp | 31 |
Timothy McClelland | 156.5 | Ultimate Savagery | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Chris O'Neill | 156 | Black Manta Ninja Super Team Go! | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James Mcgrath | 15 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Jesse Labreck | 22 |
Nicolas Abbott | 156 | Xc Ninja Pro | Grant mccartney | 14.5 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Dave Cavanagh | 29 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Nick Conley | 155.5 | Nautical Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Meagan Martin | 17 |
TRUE Becker | 155.5 | Neon Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Thomas McDade | 154.5 | Team the winners | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Victor Juarez | 154.5 | Los Animales | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Andrew Lowes | 32 | Nicholas coolridge | 30 | Victor Juarez | 14 |
Alex Martin | 153.5 | The Silent Wind of Doom | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jesse Labreck | 22 |
o livingston | 153.5 | Storm Power | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | James McGrath | 15 | Ryan Stratis | 27 |
Connor Hughes | 153.5 | Super Saiyan Squad | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | James McGrath | 15 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Nick Dillon | 153.5 | The Waffles | Drew drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel gil | 39 | James McGrath | 15 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Christopher Sabetta | 153.5 | Ninja Beasts | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Maria Hoffman | 153.5 | Ninja Five-0s | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Sarah Lawson | 152.5 | Rawr | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Mike Vasquez | 152.5 | SASUKE Saiyan Pack | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Zain Elghandour | 152.5 | F de Rosen (Older Oliver) | Alan Connealy | 8 | Josh Levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Wilczewski | 16 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
ryan dyer | 152.5 | Ryan's ninja crew | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | joe moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Jane Greenebaum | 152.5 | Ninjazzzzzzzzz | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Michael Torres | 18 | Noel Reyes | 0 |
Jackie Adams | 152 | Jubiant | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jake Murray | 2 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
James Johnston | 152 | ninja super fan | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian dory | 37.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 |
sarabeth kuzmak | 151.5 | AMSS Diva | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Michelle Warnky | 10 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Grace K | 151.5 | Team Grace | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
David Palmer | 151.5 | Ninja Family Mania | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Stephen Smay | 151.5 | The Razor's Edge | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Christopher Wilczewski | 0 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Melissa Schaefer | 151.5 | Running of the Bulls | Kevin Bull | 32 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Paul Kasemir | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Tyler Tomanek | 150.5 | Tyler's Titans | Brian Arnold | 27 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | David Campbell | 15 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Emily Wessel | 150.5 | NinjaNerd | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Rebecca Cabell | 150.5 | AchtungNinjas | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Chicken Gaines | 150.5 | Chicken Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Adam Hiers | 150.5 | Teamninja | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brent steffensen | 31 |
Marian Panopiom | 150 | PinesFromThePhillip | Josh Levin | 36 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant Mccartney | 14.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Zach Colburn | 150 | The Ninja Journalists | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Vernon Whelchel | 150 | NinjaVern's Clutch Team | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Jake Murray | 2 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Jacie Worthen | 150 | Jackrabbit | Jake Murray | 2 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Brad Remp | 150 | Let'sFlipThis520 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Elet Hall | 0 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Michael Kellett | 149.5 | The Gilmatic | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Marley Kang | 149.5 | Albany Knights | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Josh Levin | 36 |
David Pickett | 149.5 | Iseman Gbaja-biamila | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jessie Graff | 20 | James McGrath | 15 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
lexi wells | 149.5 | Lollipop | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | David Yarter | 4 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Jesse Labreck | 22 |
lexi wells | 149.5 | Lollipop | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | David Yarter | 4 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Jesse Labreck | 22 |
Debbie Croft | 149.5 | Team Croft | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 |
Amanda Cunningham | 149 | Popeye's Posse | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Kenneth McCann | 149 | Team Ronin | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Joe Dubuc | 148.5 | ActionTeamNinjaSquad | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Dubuc | 0 | Yancey Quezada | 17 |
Jessica Brown | 148 | The Berdjerks | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | James McGrath | 15 |
Austin Corey | 148 | Team Deadpool | Geoff Britten | 0 | Kevin bull | 32 | Drew drechsel | 39.5 | Ian dory | 37.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Cameron Airen | 147 | Confidence | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jesse LaBreck | 22 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Nancy Clarke | 147 | Nanner's Ninjas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 | Brent steffensen | 31 |
Catie B | 146.5 | Alan Connealy Reunion Tour | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Noah hartsough | 146.5 | Ninja Stars | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | James McGrath | 15 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Tremayne Dortch | 11 |
Angela Garemore | 146 | #winningninjateam | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Brandon Maccallum | 146 | Dream team | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Erika Shinkle | 146 | Insane Ninja Possy | Brandon Mears | 10 | Mike Bernardo | 30 | Flip rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Joe moravsky | 53 |
Brittany Soto | 145.5 | Brittany's ANW team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Brent steffensen | 31 | James Mcgrath | 15 |
Sierra Girouard | 145.5 | SHGNinjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Sarah Shaffer | 145.5 | Beast Mode | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Lorelei Mercer | 145.5 | Lorelei's Heroes | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Vince Frosteg | 145.5 | Vince's Team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
jenna lukens | 145 | Gattaca | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | daniel gil | 39 | travis rosen | 32 | grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Ilona Chere | 145 | Dream team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jamie rahn | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
SCOTT RANCOURT | 144.5 | Tyrannosaurus Flex | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
ben hoffer | 144.5 | Ben's All-Stars | geoff Britten | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Marty Finley | 144.5 | Storm Shadows | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Neil Craver | 0 |
C H | 144.5 | Linda,Shelby, Ashley, and Brittney Davenport | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Michelle Warnky | 10 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Deb DeFeo | 144.5 | Ninja Number 1s | Jessie Graff | 20 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 |
Sarah Winge | 144 | Big Hope | Daniel Gil | 39 | Nicholas coolridge | 30 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jesse Labreck | 22 |
Jim Doire | 144 | Ninjas Ninjas Ninjas | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Benjamin Humphrys | 16 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
kira hoffer | 144 | kiras athletes | daniel gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | najee richardson | 42 | niel craver | 0 |
kira hoffer | 144 | kiras athletes | daniel gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | najee richardson | 42 | niel craver | 0 |
kody gates | 143.5 | Speedsters | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Jake Murray | 2 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Boudewijn Vink | 143.5 | 2-thirteen | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Josh Levin | 36 |
Venke Malekpour | 143.5 | New Era Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jake Murray | 2 | Josh levin | 36 |
kira hoffer | 143.5 | opsticals for life | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | brian arnold | 27 | jake murray | 2 | josh levin | 36 | daniel gil | 39 |
Lance Hains | 143.5 | Hains | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 | Ethan Swanson | 10 |
Jonathan Wyman | 142.5 | PapaGOAT | Nick Kostreski | 29 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Adam Arnold | 2 |
Miguel Padasay | 142.5 | Ninja-238 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Staci Collins | 142.5 | Theirtimewillcome | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe moravsky | 53 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Hannah B | 142 | Going for Total Victory | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Josh Levin | 36 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Heather Weeks | 142 | HeatWave | Joe moravsky | 53 | Meagan martin | 17 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Najee richardson | 42 |
Chris Witwer | 142 | Felzputzer's Dream | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Kevin Bull | 32 | James McGrath | 15 |
Diane Dillon | 141.5 | Phoenix rising | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Tricia darcy | 141.5 | Climb High | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 |
Craig Pamplin | 141.5 | Stay Sharp | brian arnold | 27 | ian dory | 37.5 | josh levin | 36 | daniel gil | 39 | jake murray | 2 |
Nicholas Boucher | 141.5 | Real Madrid | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Geoff Britain | 0 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Zoe Bender | 141.5 | Team Winners | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Jill Snook | 140.5 | Snook | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Jesse labreck | 22 |
Thomas Gladstone | 140.5 | Flip and co | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | James McGrath | 15 |
Thomas Gladstone | 140.5 | Flip and co | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Chris Wilchesky | 0 | James McGrath | 15 |
Tyler Kellett | 140.5 | Ninjamas | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James Mcgrath | 15 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Mierol Jeffrey | 140.5 | Thunderbolts | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Elet Hall | 0 |
Thomas Gladstone | 140.5 | Lucky fluky 1 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip rodriguez | 33 | James McGrath | 15 | Chris wilchesky | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Micah St | 139.5 | TEAM ANW | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jon Alexis Jr. | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Meagan Martin | 17 |
wally roskelley | 139.5 | Ninjanimals | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | adam rayl | 38 | jake murray | 2 | karson voiles | 27 |
Marco dela Cuesta | 139.5 | Buisaku Kinshasa Run | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Paul Kasemir | 0 |
Sherrie Davis | 139.5 | ANW Fan from PA | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Isaac Caldiero | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Drew Bass | 139.5 | The Ninja Greats | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Paul kasemir | 0 | James McGrath | 15 |
Brian Marchuk | 139.5 | The Narnians | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Maria Laranjo | 139 | 5am | Joe moravsky | 53 | Isaac caldiero | 0 | Nicholas coolridge | 30 | Daniel gil | 39 | Meagan Martin | 17 |
Riley V | 138.5 | Ninja Ri | josh salinas | 19 | daniel gil | 39 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 | drew drechsel | 39.5 |
Jack Keenan | 138.5 | Stage Four Conquerers | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Derek Miyamoto | 138.5 | Ninja ambassadors | Derek wayne miyamoto | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel gil | 39 | Brian arnold | 27 | Flip rodriguez | 33 |
William Marchese | 138.5 | Get That Money! | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Todd Bourgeois | 1 | Michael Torres | 18 |
Max Soria | 137.5 | All-Star Ninja | Brian Arnold | 27 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | drew drechsel | 39.5 | Michael Torres | 18 |
Jaemason Long | 137.5 | Jaemason19 | David Campbell | 15 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Luis Perez | 137.5 | Lui's Locos | Jessie Graff | 20 | Adam Rayl | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Melissa Rodgers | 137.5 | Sasuke | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Meiling Huang | 0 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Jaylin Stofferahn | 137 | Jj | Kevin Bull | 32 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Christopher Brownell JR | 136.5 | The Badass Ninjaz | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Shane Tucker | 136.5 | Sasuke, Anw,fun | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Paul Kasmeir. (if he doesn't compete Flip Rodriguez ) | 0 |
Shane Tucker | 136.5 | Sasuke, Anw, fun | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Paul Kasmeir (if he doesn't compete Flip Rodriguez) | 0 |
Christopher Johnson | 136 | No Arm Pullups | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Nick Kostreski | 29 | Jonathan Sharp Brown | 0 |
Gwen StoneWebb | 135.5 | #TeamGwen | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jesse LaBreck | 22 | James McGrath | 15 |
Brendan Tucker | 135.5 | Epic ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Geoff Britton | 0 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Frederick Torres | 135.5 | The Reapers | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nick Kostreski | 29 | Brett Sims | 14 | Ernest Enokasaurous | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Joseph Bawono | 134.5 | The Nin-Joes | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Josh Levin | 36 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
austin bartholomew | 134.5 | Real Life Legends | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Max Oppenhuis | 134.5 | Maxocheese | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Luke B | 133.5 | Preschool Domination | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Karsten Williams | 22 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Neil Craver | 0 |
Zoe Rousch | 133.5 | Team Awesome | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Sean Sparks | 133.5 | Ninjas with Style | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Kyndal Whitfield | 133.5 | The Incredibles | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Alec Raniwsky | 133.5 | Team Ranec | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Randy Len | 132.5 | NinjaTRC | Travis Rosen | 32 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | David Campbell | 15 | Brent steffensen | 31 | James McGrath | 15 |
Tony Esposito | 132 | Peanut butter ninja | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Lorin Ball | 16.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Veronica Rosas | 131.5 | Eat Your Veggies | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Neil Craver | 0 |
AnEpik Reshiram | 131.5 | Epik Fantasy | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jake Murray | 2 | Jon Alexis Jr. | 27 |
Chris Arnold | 131.5 | reallifepwr | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Sadie Roskelley | 131.5 | Sadie's Dream Team | Jessie Graff | 20 | Lance Pekus | 31.5 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Andrew Delos | 130.5 | Team Delos | Jake Murray | 2 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh Levin | 36 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Kenny Niematalo | 11 |
Conor Galvin | 130 | Conor's Ninja Squad | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | Noel Reyes | 0 |
Abdul Haleem Abbasi | 129.5 | Elite Ninja Masters | Brian Arnold | 27 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Brad Wells | 129.5 | DDJTK | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | David Yarter | 4 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Kye Ackel | 0 |
brad wells | 129.5 | DDJTK | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | David Yarter | 4 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Kye Ackel | 0 |
Brad Wells | 129.5 | DDJTK | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | David Yarter | 4 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Kye Ackel | 0 |
D.J. Tarquinio | 128 | D.J. | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Dylan Moore | 128 | Flying Squirrels | James McGrath | 15 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Wayne Allen | 128 | Team America | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Kenny Niematalo | 11 | Travis Rosen | 32 |
Alex Stevens | 127.5 | Project Fly | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Dalton Higbee | 127.5 | All-Stars | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jake Murray | 2 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Buddy Roble | 127 | Team Roble | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Adam Rayl | 38 |
Alex Krumland | 127 | American Ninja NERDIER | Sean Bryan | 49.5 | Kyle Soderman | 0 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Josh Cook | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Jack Roman | 126.5 | The Roman rebels | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Kevin bull | 32 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jojo Bynum | 2 |
Duncan Koehn | 125.5 | Nordic Ninja | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Reid Pletcher | 0 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Robert Becker | 125 | Neon Ninja Rob | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jake Murray | 2 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Ethan Swanson | 10 |
Tho Rog | 124.5 | Maulers | Brian Arnold | 27 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Grey Kantor | 0 |
Austin Bartholomew | 124.5 | Real Life Legends | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James Mcgrath | 15 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 | Brian Arnold | 27 |
Alexander Sallahian | 124.5 | Expert Gains | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Megan Atcheson | 124 | Super ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Brian arnold | 27 |
Trystin Hawke | 123.5 | Hawkes ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Josh Levin | 36 | Chris wilczewski | 0 | James McGrath | 15 |
Joe Lazzaretti | 123.5 | Butterfly Ninja's | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Michelle Warnky | 10 |
Jesse Pena | 123 | Grilled Cheezus | Geoff Britton | 0 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Heather Petty | 122.5 | A-Team | Jesse LaBreck | 22 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Elizabeth Moeck | 122 | Team Izzy | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | James McGrath | 15 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
moses yawe | 121 | MOSES | Ian dory | 37.5 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Lance Pekus | 31.5 | Nick Hanson | 28 | Adam Arnold | 2 |
Zack Capone | 120.5 | Macho Nachos | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jamie Rahn | 38 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | Brian Wilczewski | 16 | Ryan Stratis | 27 |
Ninoshka Torres | 119.5 | The Echos | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Jesse LaFlair | 0 |
Allison McCarter | 119.5 | Team DATE | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
William Beslock | 119 | Beslock | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Brent steffensen | 31 |
Alan Nadeau III | 119 | CHAMPS OF THE NINJA WORLD | Geoff Britten | 0 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Samuel Stein | 118 | Chubbs | Kevin Bull | 32 | Daniel Gil | 39 | David Campbell | 15 | Adam Arnold | 2 | Mike Bernardo | 30 |
Joanna Sarion | 117.5 | Ninjomomma | Ernest enokosaurus | 0 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Josh levin | 36 | Chris wilczewski | 0 |
William Johnson | 117.5 | The Johnson 5 | Elet Hall | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Isaac Caldiero | 0 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
David Siem | 117.5 | House Party Protocol | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | James McGrath | 15 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Michelle Warnky | 10 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Theresa Borgmann | 117 | Team Borgmann | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 |
Jeremy Greenberg | 117 | The Jewish Ninja | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Jake Murray | 2 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 |
Caleb Büttner | 116.5 | Action Fearless | Jon Alexis Jr. | 27 | jesse labreck | 22 | Allyssa Beird | 28 | Joe Dubuc | 0 | drew drechsel | 39.5 |
Jennifer van der Sloot | 116.5 | Tiny Fish | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Sean Darling-Hammond | 33 | Dustin Fishman | 15 | Mike Chick | 0 | Nick Kostreski | 29 |
Lauren Tauer | 116.5 | Let's B. cereus | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Mike Bernardo | 30 | Jon Alexis Jr. | 27 |
Emma Straub | 116 | Ultimate Beast Mode Ninjas | Jessie Graff | 20 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
kira hoffer | 115.5 | kira's all stars | Jessie Graff | 20 | Meagan martin | 17 | geoff Britten | 0 | daniel gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Chris Otterbine | 115 | Keep Your L's | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Jazmin Rojas | 114.5 | Muscle madness | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Geoff britten | 0 | James McGrath | 15 | Brian arnold | 27 |
Shama Ishaq | 114.5 | SH.Ninja | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 |
Hilary Miller | 114 | The Good Guys | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Geoff Brittan | 0 | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 |
AJ Jones | 113.5 | adorabloodthirsty | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Jake Murray | 2 | Issac Caldiero | 0 |
Philip Scott | 113.5 | Philip's Team | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jake Murray | 2 | David Campbell | 15 | James McGrath | 15 |
Chris Dunne | 113.5 | Ninja chris | JJ woods | 33 | Alan Connealy | 8 | Ian dory | 37.5 | Natalie duran | 8 | Jon alexis Jr. | 27 |
Grant Nguyen | 113.5 | The Legends | Geoff Britten | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | David Campbell | 15 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Carter Goetz | 113.5 | Team CG | Geoff Britton | 0 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Isaac Caldiaro | 0 |
Makayla Elenbaas | 112.5 | Team Infinity | Elet Hall | 0 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Brent Steffensen | 31 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Connor Welham | 112.5 | Team Extreme | Brian Arnold | 27 | Brent steffensen | 31 | James McGrath | 15 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Howard Suchocki | 112.5 | Casey Suchocki | Nick Patel | 15 | Brett Sims | 14 | Jake Murray | 2 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Najee Richardson | 42 |
Chris Perouty | 112.5 | Real Life Ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jeff Britton | 0 | Isaac Caldiero | 0 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Jack Roman | 111 | The Roman rebels | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jojo Bynum | 2 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Lorin Ball | 16.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Ashish Kar | 111 | Miraculers | Geoff Britten | 0 | Issac Caldiero | 0 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Brent Steffensen | 31 |
Nick Kostreski | 110.5 | Team KO | Nick Kostreski | 29 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Zach Day | 0 | Najee Richardson | 42 | 0 | |
Vanessa Calderon | 109.5 | The Mama-Doos | Michelle Warnky | 10 | Jesse Labreck | 22 | josh levin | 36 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | jake murray | 2 |
Larissa Charnsangavej | 109.5 | Lone Star Lars | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Neil Craver | 0 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Katelyn Auman | 109.5 | Wolfpack | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Neil Craver | 0 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 |
Isley Opichka | 109.5 | Ninja Bird | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Paul Kasemir | 0 | Isaac Caldiero | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Meagan Martin | 17 |
Linda P Colbart | 108.5 | Colbart Crushers | Daniel Gil | 39 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Michelle Warnky | 10 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Marcy Becton | 108 | Garden City Party | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jake Murray | 2 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Travis Rosen | 32 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Samantha Perouty | 107.5 | World Class Warriors | Geoff Britton | 0 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | James McGrath | 15 |
Ashley Wells | 107.5 | ANW14 | David Yarter | 4 | Kye Ackel | 0 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Thomas stillings | 33 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Eve Stein | 107.5 | NiNjAz | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Joe Moravsky | 53 | James McGrath | 15 | Paul Kasemir | 0 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
Jen Jude | 107 | Storm Chasers | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Elet Hall | 0 | Neil Carver | 0 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Jay Steller | 106 | ChopSuey | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Peter Dillon | 103.5 | Peter's Dragon Warriors | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Brian Arnold | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 | James McGrath | 15 |
Katelyn Calderon | 103.5 | Brooklyn Beasts | Neil Craver | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Jake Murray | 2 | Kevin Bull | 32 |
Jeremy Budda | 103 | Budda Brigade | Jake Murray | 2 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Josh Levin | 36 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Geoff Britten | 0 |
John Opichka | 100 | Visonex Dude | Paul Kasemir | 0 | Isaac Caldiero | 0 | James McGrath | 15 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Joe Moravsky | 53 |
Zac Eddington | 99.5 | Team ZacAttack | Adam Rayl | 38 | Wally Roscholy | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Jake Murray | 2 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Matt Freitas | 96.5 | High Flyers | Nicholas Coolridge | 30 | Dave Cavanagh | 29 | Jennifer Tavernier | 0 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Ian Dory | 37.5 |
Nathan Nguyen | 94 | Let go | Joe moravsky | 53 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jake Murray | 2 | 0 | 0 | ||
Sandy McClure | 91.5 | Go ninjas | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Mike Bernardo | 30 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Noah Kaufman | 2 | Travis McClure | 0 |
Thomas Orosco-Floyd | 91.5 | Aloha Dreams | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Kevin Bull | 32 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Alan Connealy | 8 |
Alyssa Davis | 90.5 | Dream Team | James Mcgrath | 15 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 | Daniel Gil | 39 |
Steven Moul | 90.5 | The Spinning Jumping Elephants | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Andrew Karsen | 0 | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Adam Rayl | 38 | Brian Kretsch | 3 |
Jamia Johnson | 90 | Maya | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Kacy catanzaro | 10 | Michelle Warnky | 10 |
Colin McGowan | 89 | Colin McGowan ninja | Colin | 0 | Josh Levin | 36 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 | Neil Craver | 0 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Austin Bartholomew | 87.5 | stacked house | Kacy Catanzaro | 10 | Brent steffensen | 31 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Mike Bernardo | 30 | Lorin Ball | 16.5 |
Alexis Galschiodt | 87.5 | We are Groot | Joe Moravsky | 53 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Grant McCartney | 14.5 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 |
Chris Dunne | 86.5 | Ninja Chris | JJ Woods | 33 | Alan Connealy | 8 | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Natalie Duran | 8 | Travis Brewer | 0 |
Lynne Barnes | 85 | Team awesome | Geoff brittan | 0 | Issac caldiero | 0 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Kevin bull | 32 | Flip Rodriguez | 33 |
Sean Galiczynski | 84 | Damn Daniel... | Dan Galiczynski | 15 | Daniel Gil | 39 | Jonathan Stevens | 0 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Mike Bernardo | 30 |
Lisa Becker | 83 | Liberty Ninja | Josh Levin | 36 | Ryan Stratis | 27 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Neil Craver | 0 | Chris Wilczewski | 0 |
Cathy Vaughn | 81 | Soaring the Skies | Roxanne Edrington | 0 | Daniel Gil | 39 | David Campbell | 15 | Sam Sann | 7 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
kira hoffer | 79 | opsticals forever | Jessie Graff | 20 | Michelle Warnky | 10 | Meagan Martin | 17 | Kacy catanzaro | 10 | Jesse Labreck | 22 |
John Ramos | 79 | Ninja Elite | Brandon Mears | 10 | Dan Polizzi | 4 | Mike Bernardo | 30 | Jonathan Horton | 15 | Jessie Graff | 20 |
Alfonso Mancuso | 79 | Levin in America | Jake Murray | 2 | Adam Arnold | 2 | Thomas Stillings | 33 | Najee Richardson | 42 | Jon Stevens | 0 |
Greg Myers | 72.5 | Finding Dory | Ian Dory | 37.5 | Tremayne Dortch | 11 | Adam Arnold | 2 | Jessie Graff | 20 | Jake Murray | 2 |
Luke Pereira | 61.5 | Team Pereira | Chris Wilczewski | 0 | Ernest Philips | 0 | Greg Smith | 0 | Jesse LaBreck | 22 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 |
Yancey Quezada | 58.5 | Total Victory | Yancey Quezada | 17 | Jake Murray | 2 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Danny Adair | 0 |
Jonathan Cooley | 51.5 | Team Cooley | Jonathan Cooley | 0 | Ethan Swanson | 10 | Ernest Phillips | 0 | Drew Drechsel | 39.5 | Adam Arnold | 2 |
Kimberly Ahern | 35 | Team Anna | Anna Shumaker | 0 | Jessie Graff | 20 | David Campbell | 15 | Geoff Britten | 0 | Isaac Caldiero | 0 |
Jason Paul | 29 | Ninja Force | Jake Murray | 2 | Brian Burkhardt | 18 | David Yarter | 4 | Scott Willson | 5 | Jason Paul | 0 |
Blake Kirby | 0 | Team Nash | Blake Kirby | 0 | Bobby Zavala | 0 | Chris Bohem | 0 | Dennis Alliengar | 0 | Chris Howard | 0 |